Register Now

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Complete this Registration Form

Please complete this Form and pay the returnable Registration Fee as soon as possible if you want to secure a place in TGBS for your child. Thank you.

  • Parent/Other Details
  • Tell us about your Child
  • Select the Year Group
  • Submit Form and returnable Registration Fee

Parent Details

  • Parent/Other Details
  • Tell us about your Child
  • Select the Year Group
  • Submit Form and returnable Registration Fee

Tell us about your Child

What academic curriculum is your child currently following? *

What else would you like to tell us about your child which you think is important or of interest to us, such as their hobbies, personality, ambitions, special interests or requirements? Please write your answer in ENGLISH. Thank you.

  • Parent/Other Details
  • Tell us about your Child
  • Select the Year Group
  • Submit Form and returnable Registration Fee

Confirm your Timezone

Lessons Monday - Friday
Starting 08:00am GMT
Lessons Monday - Friday
Starting 08:00am GST/GMT+4
Lessons Monday - Friday
Starting 08:00am GMT+7

Confirm your choice of Year Group

Primary Years: 7-11 years old

Lower Secondary Years: 11 - 14 years old

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